Monday, February 20, 2012

Some Thoughts on 2012 So Far...

The Chinese Lunar New Year Celebrations have concluded, the decorations throughout Hong Kong and China have disappreared and for the first time since Halloween, the city has gone back to a simpler time and style. After Halloween 2011 hit, the city dressed up for the Christmas holidays...
The lights on the buildings all became holiday displays and everywhere you went, you found magical decor.

Then the calendar New Year 2012...

Then right into Lunar New Year 2012...The Year of the Dragon!
Alex and I met the God of Wealth, so we feel quite covered for 2012! He is a Chinese deity said to bless one with luck, wealth and financial opportunities. He is celebrated throughout the year but it is very popular to have him visit during this time of new beginnings and hope.

It has certainly been a very extended, festive time! February 6th was the end of the beginning of the Year of the Dragon! Hong Kong has settled down and looks a bit bare after all this celebrating. Winter has arrived despite my doubts that I could ever feel cold here. There is a gloom in the air a lot, with cloudy skies, low clouds, fog, and, sadly, the ever-present pollution.

I celebrated my birthday and survived the long distance that seperated me from my loved ones and birthday traditions like ladies and lunches, wine and whining, and family dinners. Across the miles, friends and family surprised me with a wealth of birthday wishes, unexpected presents, and made me feel like the luckiest girl in the world. I got taken out to lunch by new girlfriends and my boys took me out for a wonderful dinner.

I got the best card and letter from Alex along with a beautiful watercolor of a HK street so "you can always remember this time in our life." My boy!
I know Mel and I will do more celebrating when we reunite, so I still have that to look forward to!

I didn't get a birthday cake...sigh...NOT! We tried this deliciousness instead! Yum, yum and yum!!!

One week later, Valentines Day hit so I got to go out to dinner again! Hong Kong loves to celebrate things so flowers and gifts and set dinner menus were in abundance throughout the city. We chose to partake because this was our first Valentines Day together since 2009 and our first together in Hong Kong. It was just wonderful and I would say that 2012 is off to a great start!

I am thankful to those of you that suggested I start this blog when I moved to Hong Kong. I appreciate that you want to share this journey with me but what I also appreciate is that I find it brings me to a place of gratitude and back to what is good. I want to share the good stuff, the humor, the adventure and I try to keep it honest but more positive than not. Thus, what ends up happening is that the rough days, the sad days, the "I miss my life" days get softer and what my attention gets focused on are the gifts of this experience and the opportunities.

“When one door of happiness closes, another opens, but often we took so long at the closed door that we do not see the one that has been opened up for us”
- Helen Keller

So I say thank you every day that I have people in my life who have encouraged me to tell my story and through that I am left with nothing but gratitude and joy for the journey.

"I must write it all out, at any cost. Writing is thinking. It is more than living, for it is to be conscious of living."
- Anne Morrow Lindbergh

We all have a story. I'd love to hear yours...

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