Tuesday, December 13, 2011

"First" For Everything...Next Edition

To continue sharing observations and experiences in HK about memorable "FIRST"s, I add the following:

FIRST PROTEST WE RAN INTO - I have been pleasantly surprised to see that people can and DO, very visibly, but in a very controlled way, express their opinions and vocalize their issues here. One day, Joe and I were in a taxi headed toward Central and we got stopped because a long line of protesters were coming through. They were preceeded and followed by many police who were actually roping off their route and assuring they could travel safely while screaming their chants and carrying their signs. One of the signs said very clearly, "F*** The Police" while the Police were supporting and protecting their right to say it.

FIRST TIME I ATE SOMETHING THAT STILL HAD A HEAD/FACE ON IT - I want to be brave and open to new food experiences but there are some things that I just think I will not get accustomed to. For special events there are some very traditional foods prepared that are thought to bring luck, fertility, prosperity, etc. I find it is best to just not know what you are in for until AFTER you have tried it. That way you can respect the cultural significance and say you've done it without the grimace. It is hard when it arrives like this...
I don't like my food to look at me as if asking me to reconsider! This was suckling pig. Another thing I got to try on this particular occasion was a pig trotter soup. It has a lot of chunks of ginger in it, plus, well, as the name implies...pig parts. It is made and consumed after giving birth and thought to have healing properties for the mothers health and recovery. Yum? Then there are things like Bird Nest soup which is made from...yep, bird nests and the saliva that the bird uses to build the nest. Joe got to try that one before he knew what he was getting. There are some things that we've said no to so far. No thank you to duck web, duck tongue, and roast pigeon with head on. Pigeon? Aren't they the "rats" of the bird world? NO!

FIRST TIME I REALIZED I MIGHT NOT BE BUYING SNACK FOODS IN HK - Obviously we all have issues with certain things that we can't stop with just one or a bite. Chips, M&M's, wheat thins, cheeze-its, whatever your poison is, I know we've all gone to grab a bit of something and ended up consuming way more than we wanted. NOT a problem here...

I'm very confident I can resist the temptation to snack on these. Squid gristle? Sweet and sour tentacles?
I don't know what perilla is but you lost me at cheese and cod.

Now...Drumroll please...
MY FIRST TRIP HOME SINCE I MOVED TO HK - I've been here 3 1/2 months and Alex and I are in Hong Kong International airport waiting to board our 1am flight that will take us to SFO! We will arrive before we left! I am so grateful for the friendships and family that have supported me on this journey. I am returning to HK with Joe and Alex on December 29th but I know that this time I am prepared for what greets me. Oh! They just called our flight...I have butterflies of excitement. I have to go so I sign off with Merry Christmas and Happy New Year wishes to you and yours.

1 comment:

  1. "I don't like my food to look at me as if asking me to reconsider!" Hahahahaha!
